• Mains,  Pareve

    Vegan Veggie Chili

    Try saying that 10 times fast! These long winter nights just scream for a bowl of comfort food! What I love about this Chili is that its comfort food, but also good for you. There’s no junky stuff (besides for the 10 million tortilla chips I pack on the side to dunk in to my chili, but hey don’t judge me:) It’s loaded with beans, veggies, and spices ,topped with your fave toppings and you’ve got yourself a wholesome lunch or dinner….or both:) A lot of Chili’s have a meat base, and that’s why it kind of reminds me of Cholent. For those who aren’t familiar with cholent and how…

  • Dairy,  Desserts,  Pareve

    Strawberry & Cream Donuts

    Happy Channukah guys! I love this time of year and especially this Holiday. Channukah is all about Miracles and Lights….and fried food! Whether it’s Latkes, Donuts, or any other fried food items, its comfort food at it’s best! If your like me then you probably ate a few donuts, tried a few flavors and then some:) It’s hard to pick a favorite donut flavor. You can never go wrong with the classics like Vanilla, Chocolate, Jelly, and Custard. But there’s something so fun about trying new flavors and it seems that every year bakeries step up their game and put out insane unique ones. Some that I’ve seen and loved…

  • onion rings on a plate with chocolate coin and beer bottles in the background
    Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Vegan Falafel Battered Onion Rings

    As celebrity chef Anne Burrell says all the time “Brown food tastes good!” That crisp and crunch of biting into succulent and savory fried foods, like onion rings, can not be beaten in my humble opinion. The idea for combining two very popular fried foods came suddenly as Devorah and I were planning for Chanukah content. We thought how can we take a simple classic fried food like onion rings and bring it to the next level. Then BAM! It hit me! Falafel + Onion Rings = Match Made In Heaven! Brown food tastes good!! Anne Burrell It is the garlicky warm falafel taste enveloping a soft and sweet onion…

  • Dairy Drinks,  Drinks,  Pareve

    Gingerbread Latte

    We are all about a Latte of Good Vibes. Don’t you just love food puns, especially coffee ones:) I love this time of year, there are lights everywhere, good happy vibes in the air, and all cafes bringing out their best holiday drinks. This Gingerbread Latte is the perfect drink for those cold winter nights. Make this latte, cuddle up with a blanket and good book, and you’ve got yourself some pure bliss. The Gingerbread syrup is made up of a beautiful combo of aromatic spices and some brown sugar to give that perfect hint of a molasses flavor. Mix with coffee, steamed milk, topped with whipped cream and I…