• Pareve,  Salads,  Side Dishes

    Lemon Dill Pasta Salad

    Summer. BBQ. Sides. Pasta Salad. Isn’t that how everyone’s mind goes? When I think of BBQ sides I think of three main ones – Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, and Coleslaw. But all those are so heavy with all the creamy mayonnaise dressings. Enter the gorgeous, light, silky Lemon Dill Pasta Salad.  This salad is a combination of some of my favorite ingredients including seasonal vegetables, pasta, and a vinaigrette that screams big summer flavor. Starting with a base of roasted veggies you have zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, and mushroom giving you all that freshness which only comes when vegetables are in season and at their peak. There’s a reason tomatoes…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Grilled Peaches with Oat Topping

    Summer is officially here! I know because I’m writing this directly in front of the AC with a large glass of iced tea (with lots of ice!). I also know because of the amazing variety of summer fruits that are now in season! Cherries, strawberries, peaches, plums, watermelon…. The list goes on. Let’s talk fruits on the grill. Grilling summer fruits brings out the sweetness of the fruit with an addictive smoky undertone. You can also do this indoors on a grill pan with similar results. When you grill fruits you want to make sure you don’t cook them too long. Just long enough to get those deep grill marks…

  • Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    African Peanut Stew

    I don’t even know where to begin with this delicious peanut stew! I was doing some research for what to make for dinner one night and I came across this idea of peanut stew and I was hooked. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and savory with a filling combination of veggies and chickpeas. I love working with new ingredients and for me collard greens was a first. I don’t know about you but when I hear collard greens I think American southern cooking. To my surprise collard greens are actually a staple in African cooking. This to me is one of the best things about food as a whole,…

  • Desserts

    Apple Stuffed Monkey Bread

    I can’t believe the chagim are almost here. To many people September symbolizes a fresh start whether a new school year, a new season, or in my mind a new year. A fresh start means new opportunities and possibilities. It’s also a time to try things you never have before and if you have never tried monkey bread, believe me, now is the time. This apple-stuffed monkey bread is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The combination of apples and cinnamon with a sticky glaze makes this dessert irresistible. Traditionally when making an easy monkey bread recipe, people will use canned biscuit dough. Unfortunately, that’s one item that has not hit…

  • spiked watermelon shlushy
    Drinks,  Pareve

    Spiked Watermelon Slushy

    Watermelon. Sugar. High! This spiked watermelon slushy will get you in that summer vibe very quickly. With a refreshing blend of watermelon, mint, and lime this drink is the perfect addition to your poolside lounging. Everyone knows that Memorial Day weekend is the official start of summer. The weather is warm, the kids are ready for school to be out, the grills are going, and for those fashionistas, white in back in season. This drink provides a welcome cool relief in the warm weather. And, it can also be made in large batches so there is plenty to go around! Starting with the basic flavors of a good mojito we…

  • vegan mac and cheese
    Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Mac & Cheeseless: Vegan Mac & Cheese

    My sister is a die-hard dairy fan! Shavuot is HER holiday. And she enthusiastically recommends this Vegan Mac & Cheese recipe. In fact, she is allowing us to make this recipe instead of our usual dairy mac & cheese. Enough said. The only “specialty” ingredient in this vegan mac & cheese is nutritional yeast which is actually available in almost every grocery store. Nutritional yeast has a nutty and cheesy flavor making it a great substitute for cheese in many recipes. We love sprinkling it on popcorn, mixing it into mashed potatoes, and especially using it to make cheesy sauces like this one! We have used both the Trader Joe’s…

  • creamy kale and almond dip
    Dips,  Pareve

    Creamy Kale & Almond Dip / Pesto

    We all know and love our good friends, pesto and guacamole. Well… what if the two of them had a baby? That baby would be this creamy kale & almond dip. This creamy and savory dip packed with greens, fats, and proteins makes for the ultimate meal addition. Whether slathered on bread or vegetables, we can guarantee this will become a new family favorite. So let’s hop into what makes this dip so creamy. The secret… drum roll, please… is avocado. Yes, everybody’s favorite fruit adds the creamy spin to this creamy kale & almond dip. Now I, Rachel, hate avocado generally, please don’t come for me! The texture doesn’t…

  • Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 2

    We are back y’all! Mishloach Manos Part 2, and we could not be more excited! (Check here for Part 1!) We have a real treat coming at you today. What’s better than the classic pairing of peanut butter and chocolate? Making them into Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops! These small sweet bites are perfect for including in your Mishloach Manos. Just make sure you hide them until Purim, or there may not be any left! This is also a great activity to do with your kids. They can help with almost every step along the way, from rolling the balls to putting in the sticks to dipping them in the…

  • caramel popcorn
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Caramel POPcorn
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 1

    Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha! – When Adar begins, we increase the joy! Happy Adar and almost Purim! We have got a couple of special recipes for you. At OPOP, know how hard it is to come up with a theme for mishloach manos… so we did it for you! Our theme is… Drum Roll, Please!…. NUTS ABOUT OPOP! To that end, we will be sharing two delicious recipes that fit the theme, caramel POPcorn, and chocolate peaNUT butter. So, tell me more about this caramel popcorn you’re probably thinking. Ok, sure! Let me start by saying this popcorn is addictive like can’t stop at just one handful addictive. It is…

  • Indian Creamy Vegan Chickpea Curry
    Mains,  Pareve

    Indian Vegan Chickpea Curry

    Watching the snowfall outside my window is very picturesque. However, after I have to go out and shovel, I want something hearty and warm! Enter this creamy vegan Indian chickpea curry. It’s a snap to make with about half of the ingredients being spices. Also, only minimal slicing and dicing are required! I loved reading about and looking up recipes for Indian food for years. I had never attempted it on my own as something like a curry seemed way too daunting. If you have ever felt this way, I am happy to tell you this is NOT true. This curry is a snap, and while it’s mostly hands-on, it’s…

  • chicken pot pie with biscuit topping
    Meat,  Meat Mains

    Comforting Chicken and Biscuits

    Welcome to raw freezing January y’all. If you know me, you know I am a warm weather girl all the way. Give me a beach and an iced coffee, and I am good to go. So what does a girl like me do in weather like this? Cry! No, just kidding!! My strategy for surviving the cold involves a few things: warm cozy sweaters, fleece-lined leggings, hot water bottles, and of course, hot yummy comfort food like this delicious comforting chicken and biscuits recipe! My ideal comfort foods are hearty, warming, stick your ribs type recipes. This one is a little lighter but still amazing. Taking the traditional idea of…

  • drunken orange cakes on a platter
    Desserts,  Pareve

    Drunken Orange Cake – Celebrating the End of 2020!

    See ya never, 2020! 🍾 This Drunken Orange Cake is a celebratory and festive way to ring in the new year. Featuring Triple Sec (very versatile alcohol), Orange Juice, and Orange Zest, this cake really packs a punch! It is also a super easy cake to whip up last minute. Are you ready for this? It is one bowl, no mixer, and easy as, well, cake! If you want to make this cake and don’t have any triple sec in the house, no worries! Just substitute extra orange juice, and it will come out just as yummy! (we promise!) Drunken Orange Cake will definitely be your new go-to cake for…

  • onion rings on a plate with chocolate coin and beer bottles in the background
    Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Vegan Falafel Battered Onion Rings

    As celebrity chef Anne Burrell says all the time “Brown food tastes good!” That crisp and crunch of biting into succulent and savory fried foods, like onion rings, can not be beaten in my humble opinion. The idea for combining two very popular fried foods came suddenly as Devorah and I were planning for Chanukah content. We thought how can we take a simple classic fried food like onion rings and bring it to the next level. Then BAM! It hit me! Falafel + Onion Rings = Match Made In Heaven! Brown food tastes good!! Anne Burrell It is the garlicky warm falafel taste enveloping a soft and sweet onion…

  • Pareve,  Soups

    Maple & Pumpkin Soup with Pepita Crunch

    Maple & Pumpkin is a classic combination sent from fall heaven. It gives all the good vibes of cozy sweaters, crisp air, and falling leaves. Add a pumpkin spice latte to the mix and I think you have fall in a nutshell. That’s exactly what I was going for in this recipe. Sukkah Vibes As many of you may now the holiday of Sukkos is fast approaching. In my mind fall and Sukkos go hand and hand like well…. maple & pumpkin. Chilly nights, huddled in coats, staring up at the beautiful night sky from under the schach. One thing that always gets made in my house on Sukkos is…

  • Pareve,  Salads

    Nectarine & Kale Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette

    When I think of this Nectarine & Kale Salad, I think of summer and this salad screams last licks of summer. Just picture it- melting ice cream, lazing in a hammock, cannonballs in the pool – all the things we love about those warm months.  My best summer memories are the years I stayed home with my mother and had “Camp Mommy”. I spent long lazy days in the pool and barbecued almost every night. My mother made sure I had plenty to do with art projects, sports with my siblings, and even fun field trips. As a result these summers became some of my most cherished memories. Summer means…

  • Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls With Dipping Sauce

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls? What? Chinese food isn’t for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year)!! Or is it? We don’t commonly associate Chinese food with a typical spread served during Rosh Hashana but, the simanim or symbolic foods can be prepared in many different ways. One of the simanim is a fish head, so that we should be like the head and not like the tail. In my home, we do not serve a fish head due to multiple allergies. A lamb head is out of the question because both my mother and I refuse to cook it. So what do we do? We use a head of cauliflower! We serve…

  • Drinks,  Pareve

    Homemade Limonana

    “When life gives you lemons, grab some mint and make Limonana!” Limonana is a delicious refreshing drink that showcases Mint as its main star. Limonana is a Middle Eastern drink that is just filled with tasty simple ingredients such as  lemon, honey and of course like we mentioned mint. It pretty much is summer in a cup, and what better way to end summer than bottling it all up and enjoying it with a few friends! Did I also mention its super quick and easy to put together? And it’ll be all ready before you can even finish saying Limonana  Cheers to that! XO -D

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Blueberry OPOPsicles

    I never met anyone who didn’t like blueberries…ok I have….I just never understood them:)  This summer my friends and I went Berry Picking out in Long Island, and just the drive alone out there screamed summer. The beautiful warm weather, driving along these big open roads, and the fields of berries that were awaiting us were such #goodvibes. At first it was a bit tricky to find berries ripe enough, but we finally got the hang of it and picked out a nice amount to fill up a few containers!  When I got home I was thinking what can I do with these berries…what magic transformation can I give them?…

  • Updates

    What’s Going On?

    Wait what? OPOP is a blog? And a cookbook? What’s going on here?  Allow us to explain. We absolutely loved writing One Pot One Pan and we are in no way saying that a sequel is off the table. But with the hectic demands of everyday life we wanted a place where we could still share our love for cooking and recipe development with less of a time commitment. So here we are. With brand new content to share with our amazing OPOP family. We hope that you subscribe to our blog and keep checking back for fun easy recipes that We are sure you will love. Can’t wait to…