caramel popcorn
Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

Caramel POPcorn
Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 1

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha! – When Adar begins, we increase the joy! Happy Adar and almost Purim! We have got a couple of special recipes for you. At OPOP, know how hard it is to come up with a theme for mishloach manos… so we did it for you! Our theme is… Drum Roll, Please!…. NUTS ABOUT OPOP! To that end, we will be sharing two delicious recipes that fit the theme, caramel POPcorn, and chocolate peaNUT butter.

So, tell me more about this caramel popcorn you’re probably thinking. Ok, sure! Let me start by saying this popcorn is addictive like can’t stop at just one handful addictive. It is crunchy sweet and just a hint of salt to create the perfect balance. It is also easy to make in large batches, making it a perfect addition to any gathering, including your Purim seudah.

caramel popcorn

Caramel Popcorn – Tips and Tricks

The trick to making a great caramel is one thing – a watchful eye. Caramel can turn from a delicious concoction to a burnt mess super fast, so don’t leave it bubbling on the stove without supervision.

Another quick tip is to spray the measuring cup you’re going to use to measure the corn syrup with a little cooking spray. This allows the corn syrup to glide right out of the cup and into the pot. It will also save you from cleaning a super sticky measuring cup.

Stay tuned for next week when we talk about making cake pops and bringing them together for a cohesive mishloach manos. Until then, Happy Adar!!




Caramel Popcorn

caramel popcorn

Let me start by saying this popcorn is addictive like can’t stop at just one handful addictive. It is crunchy sweet and just a hint of salt to create the perfect balance. It is also easy to make in large batches, which makes it a perfect addition to any gathering.

  • Author: Rachel
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 hour
  • Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
  • Yield: 1012 cups 1x



3/4 cup popcorn kernels

2 sticks (1 cup) margarine 

1.5 cups light brown sugar

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp baking soda


Air pop your popcorn either in an air popper or in the microwave. 

For the microwave place, 1/4 cup kernels in a brown paper bag and microwave on high for minutes or until pops are 2-3 seconds apart. 

Repeat this process 3 times


Pop the popcorn on the stove using 3 tbsp of oil and a large pot.


Pour the popped popcorn into a large bowl big enough to stir in the caramel. 

Preheat your oven to 215 degrees Fahrenheit.

Melt the margarine in a 2qt pot on the stove over medium heat  

Add the brown sugar, corn syrup, and salt. 

Mix until just combined

Allow the mixture to come to a boil and then boil it for 2 minutes.

Turn off the flame, add the baking soda (it will foam up!), and combine it.

Pour over the popcorn and toss to coat. Don’t worry if you don’t get every piece! 

Spread the popcorn on 2 cookie sheets  lined with foil and sprayed with nonstick cooking spray

Place in the oven for 45 minutes tossing the popcorn every 15 minutes. 

Remove from oven and let cool completely

Store in an airtight container or ziplock bag. It should stay crispy for up to 3 weeks if stored properly. 

Keywords: caramel, popcorn, dairy-free, purim, crunchy, sweet

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