• Meat Mains

    Pomegranate Meatballs

    Rosh Hahshana is approaching, and I have mixed feelings on it (insert a whole bunch of different emojiis here) We know there is so much prepping and cooking that goes into making Yom Tov, that one pot one pan meals are so much needed and appreciated! So no worries. We got you. On Rosh Hashanah it is customary to eat foods with symbolic importance. When it comes to pomegranates, however, the symbolism lies in the fruit itself. By eating the pomegranate, we express our wish for a year filled with as many merits as a pomegranate has seeds. We are starting off our cooking with these sweet and tangy Pomegranate Meatballs! So…

  • chicken pot pie with biscuit topping
    Meat,  Meat Mains

    Comforting Chicken and Biscuits

    Welcome to raw freezing January y’all. If you know me, you know I am a warm weather girl all the way. Give me a beach and an iced coffee, and I am good to go. So what does a girl like me do in weather like this? Cry! No, just kidding!! My strategy for surviving the cold involves a few things: warm cozy sweaters, fleece-lined leggings, hot water bottles, and of course, hot yummy comfort food like this delicious comforting chicken and biscuits recipe! My ideal comfort foods are hearty, warming, stick your ribs type recipes. This one is a little lighter but still amazing. Taking the traditional idea of…

  • Meat Mains,  Meat Side Dishes

    Thanksgiving In A Boureka with Gravy Sauce

    Happy Thanksgiving! or as we also like to call it Happy Friendsgiving:) It’s that time of year again, where everyone cooks up a big turkey, some mashed potatoes, a delicious stuffing, and of course the gravy. It’s also that time of year where loads of leftovers make their appearance, and your not sure whether to eat some more (even though your stuffed), throw it out (not happening) or secretly give it to the dog (what dog?…). Have no fear! We’ve got the solution for you right here! Yes that did rhyme The best way to “get rid” of leftovers is to repurpose them into a whole ‘nother meal. Repurposing is…

  • Meat Mains

    Baked Sweet Potato with BBQ Meat Sauce

    Potato Potahto…whichever way you say it they are delicious! To be honest, I wasn’t always a sweet potato fan, I can’t put my finger on it, but something in the flavor and texture did not appeal to me. A regular Idaho potato thought is a whole ‘nother story! I always loved them…especially fried:) I have learned to love them and learned that how you prep and cook them makes such a difference! This applies to so many vegetables and foods in general; the cooking method is everything, and what flavors you incorporate is important. Sweet potatoes are super healthy and are loaded with fiber and vitamins. They are also high…