• Desserts,  Pareve

    Grilled Peaches with Oat Topping

    Summer is officially here! I know because I’m writing this directly in front of the AC with a large glass of iced tea (with lots of ice!). I also know because of the amazing variety of summer fruits that are now in season! Cherries, strawberries, peaches, plums, watermelon…. The list goes on. Let’s talk fruits on the grill. Grilling summer fruits brings out the sweetness of the fruit with an addictive smoky undertone. You can also do this indoors on a grill pan with similar results. When you grill fruits you want to make sure you don’t cook them too long. Just long enough to get those deep grill marks…

  • Desserts

    Apple Stuffed Monkey Bread

    I can’t believe the chagim are almost here. To many people September symbolizes a fresh start whether a new school year, a new season, or in my mind a new year. A fresh start means new opportunities and possibilities. It’s also a time to try things you never have before and if you have never tried monkey bread, believe me, now is the time. This apple-stuffed monkey bread is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The combination of apples and cinnamon with a sticky glaze makes this dessert irresistible. Traditionally when making an easy monkey bread recipe, people will use canned biscuit dough. Unfortunately, that’s one item that has not hit…

  • Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 2

    We are back y’all! Mishloach Manos Part 2, and we could not be more excited! (Check here for Part 1!) We have a real treat coming at you today. What’s better than the classic pairing of peanut butter and chocolate? Making them into Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops! These small sweet bites are perfect for including in your Mishloach Manos. Just make sure you hide them until Purim, or there may not be any left! This is also a great activity to do with your kids. They can help with almost every step along the way, from rolling the balls to putting in the sticks to dipping them in the…

  • caramel popcorn
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Caramel POPcorn
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 1

    Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha! – When Adar begins, we increase the joy! Happy Adar and almost Purim! We have got a couple of special recipes for you. At OPOP, know how hard it is to come up with a theme for mishloach manos… so we did it for you! Our theme is… Drum Roll, Please!…. NUTS ABOUT OPOP! To that end, we will be sharing two delicious recipes that fit the theme, caramel POPcorn, and chocolate peaNUT butter. So, tell me more about this caramel popcorn you’re probably thinking. Ok, sure! Let me start by saying this popcorn is addictive like can’t stop at just one handful addictive. It is…

  • drunken orange cakes on a platter
    Desserts,  Pareve

    Drunken Orange Cake – Celebrating the End of 2020!

    See ya never, 2020! 🍾 This Drunken Orange Cake is a celebratory and festive way to ring in the new year. Featuring Triple Sec (very versatile alcohol), Orange Juice, and Orange Zest, this cake really packs a punch! It is also a super easy cake to whip up last minute. Are you ready for this? It is one bowl, no mixer, and easy as, well, cake! If you want to make this cake and don’t have any triple sec in the house, no worries! Just substitute extra orange juice, and it will come out just as yummy! (we promise!) Drunken Orange Cake will definitely be your new go-to cake for…

  • Dairy,  Desserts,  Pareve

    Strawberry & Cream Donuts

    Happy Channukah guys! I love this time of year and especially this Holiday. Channukah is all about Miracles and Lights….and fried food! Whether it’s Latkes, Donuts, or any other fried food items, its comfort food at it’s best! If your like me then you probably ate a few donuts, tried a few flavors and then some:) It’s hard to pick a favorite donut flavor. You can never go wrong with the classics like Vanilla, Chocolate, Jelly, and Custard. But there’s something so fun about trying new flavors and it seems that every year bakeries step up their game and put out insane unique ones. Some that I’ve seen and loved…

  • Dairy,  Desserts,  Pareve

    Hot Cocoa & Marshmallows Edible Cookie Dough

    Yup. Its a thing. I think we can all agree (ok maybe most of us) that the best part of making cookies is secretly licking the spoon of cookie dough that did not make it to the baking sheet. Will it probably give us a stomach ache? Yup. Do we care? Nope. The beauty of this recipe is that it’s indeed EDIBLE cookie dough. The trick is that there are no eggs, and the flour is tempered (heated through) . Therefore we can have the cake (in this case cookies…or um cookie dough) and eat it too! Now when deciding what flavor we wanted to incorporate, Rachel geniusly (that’s so…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

    “Pumpkin spice and everything nice” has been our theme lately, and we just cant get enough:) I am more of a Spring kind of girl, but there’s something so beautiful about Fall season that screams coziness, pumpkin flavored everything, and chocolate- because duh chocolate belongs everywhere, and in everything….am I right!? While developing this recipe I knew I wanted to gear towards the healthier side. I love taking classic desserts and transforming into a healthier masterpiece. “Sugar Free” anything doesn’t always carry a good name, especially in desserts. But today that changes! Ladies & Gents, I present to you the most moist (trying say that 10 times fast:) naturally sweetened,…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Honey Apple Roses

    “Stop and smell the roses”….in this case more like Honey Apple Roses:) Whenever I see food that looks appealing, and too-pretty-too-eat, it makes me appreciate the work that went into it. These beautiful Honey Apple Roses are delicious, and make the perfect dessert for Rosh Hashana! Your family and friends will be super impressed, but only you and I will know it didn’t even take a long time to prep and make! Shana Tova to our #opopfam! XO -D

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Blueberry OPOPsicles

    I never met anyone who didn’t like blueberries…ok I have….I just never understood them:)  This summer my friends and I went Berry Picking out in Long Island, and just the drive alone out there screamed summer. The beautiful warm weather, driving along these big open roads, and the fields of berries that were awaiting us were such #goodvibes. At first it was a bit tricky to find berries ripe enough, but we finally got the hang of it and picked out a nice amount to fill up a few containers!  When I got home I was thinking what can I do with these berries…what magic transformation can I give them?…