• Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    African Peanut Stew

    I don’t even know where to begin with this delicious peanut stew! I was doing some research for what to make for dinner one night and I came across this idea of peanut stew and I was hooked. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and savory with a filling combination of veggies and chickpeas. I love working with new ingredients and for me collard greens was a first. I don’t know about you but when I hear collard greens I think American southern cooking. To my surprise collard greens are actually a staple in African cooking. This to me is one of the best things about food as a whole,…

  • vegan mac and cheese
    Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Mac & Cheeseless: Vegan Mac & Cheese

    My sister is a die-hard dairy fan! Shavuot is HER holiday. And she enthusiastically recommends this Vegan Mac & Cheese recipe. In fact, she is allowing us to make this recipe instead of our usual dairy mac & cheese. Enough said. The only “specialty” ingredient in this vegan mac & cheese is nutritional yeast which is actually available in almost every grocery store. Nutritional yeast has a nutty and cheesy flavor making it a great substitute for cheese in many recipes. We love sprinkling it on popcorn, mixing it into mashed potatoes, and especially using it to make cheesy sauces like this one! We have used both the Trader Joe’s…

  • Indian Creamy Vegan Chickpea Curry
    Mains,  Pareve

    Indian Vegan Chickpea Curry

    Watching the snowfall outside my window is very picturesque. However, after I have to go out and shovel, I want something hearty and warm! Enter this creamy vegan Indian chickpea curry. It’s a snap to make with about half of the ingredients being spices. Also, only minimal slicing and dicing are required! I loved reading about and looking up recipes for Indian food for years. I had never attempted it on my own as something like a curry seemed way too daunting. If you have ever felt this way, I am happy to tell you this is NOT true. This curry is a snap, and while it’s mostly hands-on, it’s…

  • acai berry bowl
    Mains,  Pareve

    Acai “Berry Good” Bowl

    I love Acai Berry Bowls. Like the kind of love that if I were stranded on an island and could only pick 1 dish to have with me…yup Acai I am looking at you! These beauty bowls have become such a trend that more and more places are starting to serve them. If you are currently thinking, what exactly is an Acai Bowl…? No worries! I got you! Acai Berry Bowls are a deliciously thick smoothie bowl, with the main ingredient being Acai Berries. These berries are grown in the Amazon Rainforest and beautiful dark purple/blue color (resembles a blueberry). They are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. While…

  • Mains,  Pareve

    Vegan Veggie Chili

    Try saying that 10 times fast! These long winter nights just scream for a bowl of comfort food! What I love about this Chili is that its comfort food, but also good for you. There’s no junky stuff (besides for the 10 million tortilla chips I pack on the side to dunk in to my chili, but hey don’t judge me:) It’s loaded with beans, veggies, and spices ,topped with your fave toppings and you’ve got yourself a wholesome lunch or dinner….or both:) A lot of Chili’s have a meat base, and that’s why it kind of reminds me of Cholent. For those who aren’t familiar with cholent and how…