• Pareve,  Salads,  Side Dishes

    Lemon Dill Pasta Salad

    Summer. BBQ. Sides. Pasta Salad. Isn’t that how everyone’s mind goes? When I think of BBQ sides I think of three main ones – Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, and Coleslaw. But all those are so heavy with all the creamy mayonnaise dressings. Enter the gorgeous, light, silky Lemon Dill Pasta Salad.  This salad is a combination of some of my favorite ingredients including seasonal vegetables, pasta, and a vinaigrette that screams big summer flavor. Starting with a base of roasted veggies you have zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, and mushroom giving you all that freshness which only comes when vegetables are in season and at their peak. There’s a reason tomatoes…

  • Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    African Peanut Stew

    I don’t even know where to begin with this delicious peanut stew! I was doing some research for what to make for dinner one night and I came across this idea of peanut stew and I was hooked. It’s the perfect mix of sweet and savory with a filling combination of veggies and chickpeas. I love working with new ingredients and for me collard greens was a first. I don’t know about you but when I hear collard greens I think American southern cooking. To my surprise collard greens are actually a staple in African cooking. This to me is one of the best things about food as a whole,…

  • vegan mac and cheese
    Mains,  Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Mac & Cheeseless: Vegan Mac & Cheese

    My sister is a die-hard dairy fan! Shavuot is HER holiday. And she enthusiastically recommends this Vegan Mac & Cheese recipe. In fact, she is allowing us to make this recipe instead of our usual dairy mac & cheese. Enough said. The only “specialty” ingredient in this vegan mac & cheese is nutritional yeast which is actually available in almost every grocery store. Nutritional yeast has a nutty and cheesy flavor making it a great substitute for cheese in many recipes. We love sprinkling it on popcorn, mixing it into mashed potatoes, and especially using it to make cheesy sauces like this one! We have used both the Trader Joe’s…

  • onion rings on a plate with chocolate coin and beer bottles in the background
    Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Vegan Falafel Battered Onion Rings

    As celebrity chef Anne Burrell says all the time “Brown food tastes good!” That crisp and crunch of biting into succulent and savory fried foods, like onion rings, can not be beaten in my humble opinion. The idea for combining two very popular fried foods came suddenly as Devorah and I were planning for Chanukah content. We thought how can we take a simple classic fried food like onion rings and bring it to the next level. Then BAM! It hit me! Falafel + Onion Rings = Match Made In Heaven! Brown food tastes good!! Anne Burrell It is the garlicky warm falafel taste enveloping a soft and sweet onion…

  • Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls With Dipping Sauce

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls? What? Chinese food isn’t for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year)!! Or is it? We don’t commonly associate Chinese food with a typical spread served during Rosh Hashana but, the simanim or symbolic foods can be prepared in many different ways. One of the simanim is a fish head, so that we should be like the head and not like the tail. In my home, we do not serve a fish head due to multiple allergies. A lamb head is out of the question because both my mother and I refuse to cook it. So what do we do? We use a head of cauliflower! We serve…