• Pareve,  Soups

    Super Greens Soup

    I don’t know about you but as the weather has gotten colder all I want is cozy sweaters, fuzzy socks, and lots of soup. I am one of those always cold people and soup is the food that keeps us going all winter long. It can be anything from instant ramen to hearty homemade veggie soups – I will eat them all! Soup is also a great cure all for anything that ails you. And this soup will help with quite a few ailments. Jalapeños, spinach, and broccoli all have lots of vitamin c to help boost your immune system which is especially important this time of year. The spice…

  • Pareve,  Soups

    Maple & Pumpkin Soup with Pepita Crunch

    Maple & Pumpkin is a classic combination sent from fall heaven. It gives all the good vibes of cozy sweaters, crisp air, and falling leaves. Add a pumpkin spice latte to the mix and I think you have fall in a nutshell. That’s exactly what I was going for in this recipe. Sukkah Vibes As many of you may now the holiday of Sukkos is fast approaching. In my mind fall and Sukkos go hand and hand like well…. maple & pumpkin. Chilly nights, huddled in coats, staring up at the beautiful night sky from under the schach. One thing that always gets made in my house on Sukkos is…