• Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Chocolate PeaNUT Butter Cake POPs
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 2

    We are back y’all! Mishloach Manos Part 2, and we could not be more excited! (Check here for Part 1!) We have a real treat coming at you today. What’s better than the classic pairing of peanut butter and chocolate? Making them into Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops! These small sweet bites are perfect for including in your Mishloach Manos. Just make sure you hide them until Purim, or there may not be any left! This is also a great activity to do with your kids. They can help with almost every step along the way, from rolling the balls to putting in the sticks to dipping them in the…

  • caramel popcorn
    Desserts,  Pareve,  Snacks

    Caramel POPcorn
    Mishloach Manos 2021 Part 1

    Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B’Simcha! – When Adar begins, we increase the joy! Happy Adar and almost Purim! We have got a couple of special recipes for you. At OPOP, know how hard it is to come up with a theme for mishloach manos… so we did it for you! Our theme is… Drum Roll, Please!…. NUTS ABOUT OPOP! To that end, we will be sharing two delicious recipes that fit the theme, caramel POPcorn, and chocolate peaNUT butter. So, tell me more about this caramel popcorn you’re probably thinking. Ok, sure! Let me start by saying this popcorn is addictive like can’t stop at just one handful addictive. It is…

  • Pareve,  Snacks

    Fruity Jam Oatmeal Bars

    I am in love….with these Fruity Jam Oatmeal bars:) Breakfast could sometimes be extremely boring, with the same old same old…which is why it’s time to switch it up! These beauties are great for on the go, or just when your at home and want something different. The bars are a combo of oatmeal and your favorite jam (s), and between you and me can easily feel and pass as a dessert…but who’s complaining. Nope not me. With TuB’Shvat right around the corner, this recipe is perfect, as you can easily incorporate your favorite dried fruits. Pair up your fave dried fruits with their sister jams, or mix and combine,…