Dairy,  Desserts,  Pareve

Strawberry & Cream Donuts

Happy Channukah guys!

I love this time of year and especially this Holiday. Channukah is all about Miracles and Lights….and fried food! Whether it’s Latkes, Donuts, or any other fried food items, its comfort food at it’s best!

If your like me then you probably ate a few donuts, tried a few flavors and then some:) It’s hard to pick a favorite donut flavor. You can never go wrong with the classics like Vanilla, Chocolate, Jelly, and Custard. But there’s something so fun about trying new flavors and it seems that every year bakeries step up their game and put out insane unique ones. Some that I’ve seen and loved are Fruity Pebbles, S’Mores, and Nutella just to name a few.

As a kid (and even now) I loved strawberry milk, something about that combo gets me every time. Especially from Nesquik (a brand made from Nestle). I remember how my mom used to heat up some milk, pour in the strawberry deliciousness, and life was good. That’s all I needed. I miss it, and this kind of brings me back to those good ol’ days.

We knew had to put out a donut recipe and were contemplating what flavor to go with. We love strawberries, and its sweet fruity profile makes it a flavor that is safe to say is loved by (almost) everyone. Mix together with cream, and you’ve got a match made in heaven!

This is a play on Strawberry Shortcake, and is the easiest donut recipe you will ever make!

Ready for our “secret” tip?

We used ready made Challah dough.




Cuts the prepping/cooking time in half, and the result are fluffy professional donuts.

Don’t worry. This is our little secret stays between us.

Your family and friends will be impressed, and so will we;)

Happy Frying!




Strawberry & Cream Donuts

“We love strawberries, and its sweet fruity profile makes it a flavor that is safe to say is loved by (almost) everyone. Mix together with cream, and you’ve got a match made in heaven! “

  • Author: Devorah Kahan



14 ounces Store bought Sweet Challah dough ( we used from Kineret Company)


1 cup confectioner’s sugar

2 tbsp whole milk/unsweetened non dairy milk

1 tsp strawberry syrup (we used Nesquik)

*Heavy whipped cream

Fresh sliced strawberries

oil for frying



Roll out dough to 1/4-inch thick (remember dough will rise). If dough feels sticky sprinkle a little flour on the surface and rolling pin.

Take a cup and carefully cut out circles, and with a water bottle cap place in the middle of each circle and cut out the donut hole. Place donuts on a lined tray with parchment paper and cover with a towel near a warm area. Let them rise for about 30 minutes- 1 hour. 

Once they have risen, heat oil in a pan on a medium flame. You don’t want oil to be too hot. Place a little piece of dough into oil. If the dough starts frying and rises to the top your good to go. Carefully place a few donuts in the oil , keeping a close eye on them. Fry on each side 1-2 minutes, and then place on paper towel to drain excess oil.


Mix together all ingredients. 

If you want a thicker coat , feel free to dunk the donuts a few times in the glaze. You can also slowly add more sugar to the mixture. But keep in mind it will be thicker but also sweeter! This glaze is pretty sweet, so we don’t want it to be too overwhelming. 

Once the donuts are glazed, top with whipped cream and fresh sliced strawberries. 


*If you want this to be parve/non dairy, just swap the dairy whipped cream with a non dairy one

Keywords: kosher,sweet,glazed,donuts,channukah,hannukah,strawberries

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