• Desserts

    Apple Stuffed Monkey Bread

    I can’t believe the chagim are almost here. To many people September symbolizes a fresh start whether a new school year, a new season, or in my mind a new year. A fresh start means new opportunities and possibilities. It’s also a time to try things you never have before and if you have never tried monkey bread, believe me, now is the time. This apple-stuffed monkey bread is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The combination of apples and cinnamon with a sticky glaze makes this dessert irresistible. Traditionally when making an easy monkey bread recipe, people will use canned biscuit dough. Unfortunately, that’s one item that has not hit…

  • Dairy Desserts

    Sweet Cheese Pastries

    Shavuos 2021! I.love.this.Yom.Tov. If you know me I love love (insert 100 more “love” here) dairy- and yes cheese I am looking at you! Shavuos is a dairy fans’ dream- with the pastas, quiches, sauces, soups, and of course the main star Cheesecake. Confession time. Growing up I hated cheesecake! Ok ok hate is a strong term, but I really disliked it. I didn’t get why people loved it so much. As I got older, I came to love it and now I am a fan. My mom used to make the best cheesecakes, dairy and pareve ones. This recipe is a tribute to the classic cheesecake flavor. Some tangy…