• Pareve,  Soups

    Maple & Pumpkin Soup with Pepita Crunch

    Maple & Pumpkin is a classic combination sent from fall heaven. It gives all the good vibes of cozy sweaters, crisp air, and falling leaves. Add a pumpkin spice latte to the mix and I think you have fall in a nutshell. That’s exactly what I was going for in this recipe. Sukkah Vibes As many of you may now the holiday of Sukkos is fast approaching. In my mind fall and Sukkos go hand and hand like well…. maple & pumpkin. Chilly nights, huddled in coats, staring up at the beautiful night sky from under the schach. One thing that always gets made in my house on Sukkos is…

  • Pareve,  Salads

    Nectarine & Kale Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette

    When I think of this Nectarine & Kale Salad, I think of summer and this salad screams last licks of summer. Just picture it- melting ice cream, lazing in a hammock, cannonballs in the pool – all the things we love about those warm months.  My best summer memories are the years I stayed home with my mother and had “Camp Mommy”. I spent long lazy days in the pool and barbecued almost every night. My mother made sure I had plenty to do with art projects, sports with my siblings, and even fun field trips. As a result these summers became some of my most cherished memories. Summer means…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Blueberry OPOPsicles

    I never met anyone who didn’t like blueberries…ok I have….I just never understood them:)  This summer my friends and I went Berry Picking out in Long Island, and just the drive alone out there screamed summer. The beautiful warm weather, driving along these big open roads, and the fields of berries that were awaiting us were such #goodvibes. At first it was a bit tricky to find berries ripe enough, but we finally got the hang of it and picked out a nice amount to fill up a few containers!  When I got home I was thinking what can I do with these berries…what magic transformation can I give them?…