• Dairy Mains,  Salads

    Green Grains Salad

    With Purim over, the last thing I want to see now is another bag of candy…or cookies….or chips. If you are like me then you probably ate a fair share of your Mishloach Manos…and then some:) After noshing so much, I like to detox and feed my body some healthy yummy good stuff. This delicious and easy Green Grains Salad, gives me that healthy wholesome yumminess my body craves, without compromising on flavor. This salad is filled with quinoa, feta( yum cheese!!) and some of my fave veggies, like spinach, avocado, red onion (yes I love its strong flavor) and roasted sweet potato. There’s something so magical about roasting vegetables-…

  • Pareve,  Soups

    Super Greens Soup

    I don’t know about you but as the weather has gotten colder all I want is cozy sweaters, fuzzy socks, and lots of soup. I am one of those always cold people and soup is the food that keeps us going all winter long. It can be anything from instant ramen to hearty homemade veggie soups – I will eat them all! Soup is also a great cure all for anything that ails you. And this soup will help with quite a few ailments. Jalapeños, spinach, and broccoli all have lots of vitamin c to help boost your immune system which is especially important this time of year. The spice…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

    “Pumpkin spice and everything nice” has been our theme lately, and we just cant get enough:) I am more of a Spring kind of girl, but there’s something so beautiful about Fall season that screams coziness, pumpkin flavored everything, and chocolate- because duh chocolate belongs everywhere, and in everything….am I right!? While developing this recipe I knew I wanted to gear towards the healthier side. I love taking classic desserts and transforming into a healthier masterpiece. “Sugar Free” anything doesn’t always carry a good name, especially in desserts. But today that changes! Ladies & Gents, I present to you the most moist (trying say that 10 times fast:) naturally sweetened,…