• Dairy,  Dairy Mains

    Red White & Blue Nachos

    Happy fourth everyone!! Tomorrow is #4thofJuly and people across America are celebrating with BBQs and buying things on sale We love BBQs and shopping but decided to change things up and make something different, but still yum and still in the spirit of this American Holiday:) Nachos.Nachos.Nachos I don’t know about you but it takes me forever to decide on things- especially at restaurants. I usually and casually browse the menu and think about what to order, but often end up getting my usuals that I always do when I eat out. And yup nachos is one of them! There is something about that cheesy, crispy, salty combo of the…

  • Dairy,  Dairy Desserts

    Caramel Swirl Ice cream with Almond Brittle

    Summer time!! Hands down one of my fave seasons- sunny days, BBQs. beach vibes, and loads of Iced Coffee. Nothing screams summer more than a delicious creamy sweet ice cream and we dedicate this post to our dads today- #happyfathersday! Sorry we are leaving the burgers and steaks for another time:) I don’t know about your dad, but mine LOVES ice cream. Hardcore dairy goodness, none of the parve stuff. So when we were thinking what we can make for Father’s Day that takes it up a notch, homemade ice cream right away came to mind. Listen I will admit it. There is a time and place for everything, store…

  • Our Kitchen Kit,  Updates

    New Series: Our Kitchen Kit

    We’re backkkkk! Yes, we checked out for a nice minute. We will admit it.  Between all of life’s hassles, from Rachel working at GOOGLE ( I am allowed to brag for you R:), to doing some podcasting of my own and more, we took a small break. But we are back and b”h better than ever! Rosh Hashanah is only a few weeks away (yikes) but we have already started to think of easy and delicious recipes. Before we get to those (stay tuned for the coming weeks) we are launching our new series called “Our Kitchen Kit”! Where we choose one of our favorite food/drink/trend/product and give our take…

  • Dairy Desserts

    Sweet Cheese Pastries

    Shavuos 2021! I.love.this.Yom.Tov. If you know me I love love (insert 100 more “love” here) dairy- and yes cheese I am looking at you! Shavuos is a dairy fans’ dream- with the pastas, quiches, sauces, soups, and of course the main star Cheesecake. Confession time. Growing up I hated cheesecake! Ok ok hate is a strong term, but I really disliked it. I didn’t get why people loved it so much. As I got older, I came to love it and now I am a fan. My mom used to make the best cheesecakes, dairy and pareve ones. This recipe is a tribute to the classic cheesecake flavor. Some tangy…

  • Dairy,  Dairy Mains

    Lemon Basil Risotto

    Lemon. Basil. Risotto. You are probably thinking why a period after every word? Are you trying to be dramatic? and my answer is yes.yes. and yes! We are going a bit bouji (fancy) and taking it up a notch. We know Pesach ended not too long ago, and a lot of us are still trying to lose (all that extra) weight….but sometimes you just need a good ol’ bowl of comfort food. Risotto isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when I think of “comfort food”, but it has all the yummy components that make up a delicious comfort dish. We’re talking butter. cheese. and then some more cheese…

  • Dairy Mains,  Salads

    Green Grains Salad

    With Purim over, the last thing I want to see now is another bag of candy…or cookies….or chips. If you are like me then you probably ate a fair share of your Mishloach Manos…and then some:) After noshing so much, I like to detox and feed my body some healthy yummy good stuff. This delicious and easy Green Grains Salad, gives me that healthy wholesome yumminess my body craves, without compromising on flavor. This salad is filled with quinoa, feta( yum cheese!!) and some of my fave veggies, like spinach, avocado, red onion (yes I love its strong flavor) and roasted sweet potato. There’s something so magical about roasting vegetables-…

  • Mains,  Pareve

    Vegan Veggie Chili

    Try saying that 10 times fast! These long winter nights just scream for a bowl of comfort food! What I love about this Chili is that its comfort food, but also good for you. There’s no junky stuff (besides for the 10 million tortilla chips I pack on the side to dunk in to my chili, but hey don’t judge me:) It’s loaded with beans, veggies, and spices ,topped with your fave toppings and you’ve got yourself a wholesome lunch or dinner….or both:) A lot of Chili’s have a meat base, and that’s why it kind of reminds me of Cholent. For those who aren’t familiar with cholent and how…

  • Dairy Drinks,  Drinks,  Pareve

    Gingerbread Latte

    We are all about a Latte of Good Vibes. Don’t you just love food puns, especially coffee ones:) I love this time of year, there are lights everywhere, good happy vibes in the air, and all cafes bringing out their best holiday drinks. This Gingerbread Latte is the perfect drink for those cold winter nights. Make this latte, cuddle up with a blanket and good book, and you’ve got yourself some pure bliss. The Gingerbread syrup is made up of a beautiful combo of aromatic spices and some brown sugar to give that perfect hint of a molasses flavor. Mix with coffee, steamed milk, topped with whipped cream and I…

  • Meat Mains,  Meat Side Dishes

    Thanksgiving In A Boureka with Gravy Sauce

    Happy Thanksgiving! or as we also like to call it Happy Friendsgiving:) It’s that time of year again, where everyone cooks up a big turkey, some mashed potatoes, a delicious stuffing, and of course the gravy. It’s also that time of year where loads of leftovers make their appearance, and your not sure whether to eat some more (even though your stuffed), throw it out (not happening) or secretly give it to the dog (what dog?…). Have no fear! We’ve got the solution for you right here! Yes that did rhyme The best way to “get rid” of leftovers is to repurpose them into a whole ‘nother meal. Repurposing is…

  • Dairy,  Desserts,  Pareve

    Hot Cocoa & Marshmallows Edible Cookie Dough

    Yup. Its a thing. I think we can all agree (ok maybe most of us) that the best part of making cookies is secretly licking the spoon of cookie dough that did not make it to the baking sheet. Will it probably give us a stomach ache? Yup. Do we care? Nope. The beauty of this recipe is that it’s indeed EDIBLE cookie dough. The trick is that there are no eggs, and the flour is tempered (heated through) . Therefore we can have the cake (in this case cookies…or um cookie dough) and eat it too! Now when deciding what flavor we wanted to incorporate, Rachel geniusly (that’s so…

  • Pareve,  Soups

    Super Greens Soup

    I don’t know about you but as the weather has gotten colder all I want is cozy sweaters, fuzzy socks, and lots of soup. I am one of those always cold people and soup is the food that keeps us going all winter long. It can be anything from instant ramen to hearty homemade veggie soups – I will eat them all! Soup is also a great cure all for anything that ails you. And this soup will help with quite a few ailments. Jalapeños, spinach, and broccoli all have lots of vitamin c to help boost your immune system which is especially important this time of year. The spice…

  • Meat Mains

    Baked Sweet Potato with BBQ Meat Sauce

    Potato Potahto…whichever way you say it they are delicious! To be honest, I wasn’t always a sweet potato fan, I can’t put my finger on it, but something in the flavor and texture did not appeal to me. A regular Idaho potato thought is a whole ‘nother story! I always loved them…especially fried:) I have learned to love them and learned that how you prep and cook them makes such a difference! This applies to so many vegetables and foods in general; the cooking method is everything, and what flavors you incorporate is important. Sweet potatoes are super healthy and are loaded with fiber and vitamins. They are also high…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

    “Pumpkin spice and everything nice” has been our theme lately, and we just cant get enough:) I am more of a Spring kind of girl, but there’s something so beautiful about Fall season that screams coziness, pumpkin flavored everything, and chocolate- because duh chocolate belongs everywhere, and in everything….am I right!? While developing this recipe I knew I wanted to gear towards the healthier side. I love taking classic desserts and transforming into a healthier masterpiece. “Sugar Free” anything doesn’t always carry a good name, especially in desserts. But today that changes! Ladies & Gents, I present to you the most moist (trying say that 10 times fast:) naturally sweetened,…