• Desserts

    Apple Stuffed Monkey Bread

    I can’t believe the chagim are almost here. To many people September symbolizes a fresh start whether a new school year, a new season, or in my mind a new year. A fresh start means new opportunities and possibilities. It’s also a time to try things you never have before and if you have never tried monkey bread, believe me, now is the time. This apple-stuffed monkey bread is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. The combination of apples and cinnamon with a sticky glaze makes this dessert irresistible. Traditionally when making an easy monkey bread recipe, people will use canned biscuit dough. Unfortunately, that’s one item that has not hit…

  • Pareve,  Side Dishes

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls With Dipping Sauce

    Rosh Hashana Egg Rolls? What? Chinese food isn’t for Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year)!! Or is it? We don’t commonly associate Chinese food with a typical spread served during Rosh Hashana but, the simanim or symbolic foods can be prepared in many different ways. One of the simanim is a fish head, so that we should be like the head and not like the tail. In my home, we do not serve a fish head due to multiple allergies. A lamb head is out of the question because both my mother and I refuse to cook it. So what do we do? We use a head of cauliflower! We serve…

  • Desserts,  Pareve

    Honey Apple Roses

    “Stop and smell the roses”….in this case more like Honey Apple Roses:) Whenever I see food that looks appealing, and too-pretty-too-eat, it makes me appreciate the work that went into it. These beautiful Honey Apple Roses are delicious, and make the perfect dessert for Rosh Hashana! Your family and friends will be super impressed, but only you and I will know it didn’t even take a long time to prep and make! Shana Tova to our #opopfam! XO -D