• Pareve,  Salads,  Side Dishes

    Lemon Dill Pasta Salad

    Summer. BBQ. Sides. Pasta Salad. Isn’t that how everyone’s mind goes? When I think of BBQ sides I think of three main ones – Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, and Coleslaw. But all those are so heavy with all the creamy mayonnaise dressings. Enter the gorgeous, light, silky Lemon Dill Pasta Salad.  This salad is a combination of some of my favorite ingredients including seasonal vegetables, pasta, and a vinaigrette that screams big summer flavor. Starting with a base of roasted veggies you have zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, and mushroom giving you all that freshness which only comes when vegetables are in season and at their peak. There’s a reason tomatoes…

  • Dairy Mains,  Salads

    Green Grains Salad

    With Purim over, the last thing I want to see now is another bag of candy…or cookies….or chips. If you are like me then you probably ate a fair share of your Mishloach Manos…and then some:) After noshing so much, I like to detox and feed my body some healthy yummy good stuff. This delicious and easy Green Grains Salad, gives me that healthy wholesome yumminess my body craves, without compromising on flavor. This salad is filled with quinoa, feta( yum cheese!!) and some of my fave veggies, like spinach, avocado, red onion (yes I love its strong flavor) and roasted sweet potato. There’s something so magical about roasting vegetables-…

  • Pareve,  Salads

    Nectarine & Kale Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette

    When I think of this Nectarine & Kale Salad, I think of summer and this salad screams last licks of summer. Just picture it- melting ice cream, lazing in a hammock, cannonballs in the pool – all the things we love about those warm months.  My best summer memories are the years I stayed home with my mother and had “Camp Mommy”. I spent long lazy days in the pool and barbecued almost every night. My mother made sure I had plenty to do with art projects, sports with my siblings, and even fun field trips. As a result these summers became some of my most cherished memories. Summer means…