• Indian Creamy Vegan Chickpea Curry
    Mains,  Pareve

    Indian Vegan Chickpea Curry

    Watching the snowfall outside my window is very picturesque. However, after I have to go out and shovel, I want something hearty and warm! Enter this creamy vegan Indian chickpea curry. It’s a snap to make with about half of the ingredients being spices. Also, only minimal slicing and dicing are required! I loved reading about and looking up recipes for Indian food for years. I had never attempted it on my own as something like a curry seemed way too daunting. If you have ever felt this way, I am happy to tell you this is NOT true. This curry is a snap, and while it’s mostly hands-on, it’s…

  • Mains,  Pareve

    Vegan Veggie Chili

    Try saying that 10 times fast! These long winter nights just scream for a bowl of comfort food! What I love about this Chili is that its comfort food, but also good for you. There’s no junky stuff (besides for the 10 million tortilla chips I pack on the side to dunk in to my chili, but hey don’t judge me:) It’s loaded with beans, veggies, and spices ,topped with your fave toppings and you’ve got yourself a wholesome lunch or dinner….or both:) A lot of Chili’s have a meat base, and that’s why it kind of reminds me of Cholent. For those who aren’t familiar with cholent and how…