
Mac & Cheeseless: Vegan Mac & Cheese

vegan mac and cheese

My sister is a die-hard dairy fan! Shavuot is HER holiday. And she enthusiastically recommends this Vegan Mac & Cheese recipe. In fact, she is allowing us to make this recipe instead of our usual dairy mac & cheese. Enough said.



1 lb. pasta in the shape of your choice (I used the classic elbows)

2/3 cup flour

6 tbsp margarine

1-quart unsweetened almond milk (I used vanilla, and it came out great! Original would work too.)

1/4 cup nutritional yeast

1/4 tsp turmeric (for color)

1/4 tsp paprika (for color)

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

1 tbsp Dijon mustard


Cook the pasta until al dente according to the directions on the box 

Drain the pasta in a colander but don’t rinse

Dry out the pot and put it back on the stove – no extra pot necessary to make the sauce!

Over medium heat, melt the margarine until completely liquid

Add the flour and whisk well until combined – should be a golden brown paste

Add milk slowly, continuously whisking so as not to leave a lump

Add the rest of the ingredients except the pasta and continue whisking

Whisk until thick and creamy – about 7 minutes

Add in the pasta and combine until the sauce fully coats every noodle.


This sauce will only take 20 minutes if you already have cooked pasta!

Keywords: creamy, cheese, dairy-free, pasta, vegan